OK- The pictures say it all on this one. We finally ventured into Montana on July 4th and were greated with a healthy dose of Americana and pure drunken debauchery! This photo of "Gorgeus Greg" and his Hagaar the Horrible lookalike friend, Ed, pretty much sums it up.
Best quote of the day (spoken by Mr. “Slem” Slemmer, complete with flag bandana and many missing teeth): "You gots to gets back to where ya was before you gots to where ya is." Wait – I’m paying you-don’t-want-to-know-how-much to new age PhDs in Marin to tell me I’m supposed to “come home to myself.” For the price of a $2.00 Budweiser, didn’t Slem just tell me the same thing?? Lesson for the day: Forget this modern self-help crap. Just go into a dive bar and get hammered with Slem!
Barfly Zen LIVES. Happy Independence Day.
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